Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Zumba Experience, Surrey, BC

Hi Karen, 
I was trying to decide if I wanted go deep into my personal story and what happened to me and then I thought this is my story and this why I started zumba. I wouldn't take it back for a second. I do mean everything I say. I am very grateful to you and everyone there. I'm not sure where I would be if I didn't decide to try and you guys are the reason I continue to come back. Thank you! Please let me know if you have an questions or have anything else you would like me to add!

What brought you to Just 4 You?
My mom! When she started going to Zumba classes she would always tell me how much she was enjoyed it and that I should try because she knows how much I love to dance. In May of this year I went through a personal tragedy, I lost my boyfriend, Mike in a drowning accident while on vacation together. Trying to work through what has been the toughest time of my life, my Mom again encouraged me to come with her to try Zumba. I had already started my weight loss journey and in our short time together Mike had been with me inspiring, encouraging, and pushing me to do my best. We worked out alot at the gym and it held alot of memories for me so while trying to rebuild I needed a new outlet of exercise so I agreed to try. With the support of my mom and best friend Michelle I went and I was hooked!

What keeps you coming?
I love the music, the routines, the instructors, the people, and atmosphere. Zumba has allowed me an opportunity to just dance and have fun. I am very grateful the staff for helping me through this tough time and providing an friendly, encouraging, and a high energy place to dance. I also am very thankful to my mom for pushing me to try!

What kind of results/experiences have you had since coming?
Since starting in June I have lost 26 pounds and have seen my body shape change and become more toned and tight! :-) People at work always say, 'Pam, Zumba has done you well'!

Your goals for 2013?
To continue to move forward, try new things, and dance! Since making a lifestyle change a year and a half ago I have achieved my desired weight and now want to tone, tone, tone! I also have taken up running and look forward to training for my first half marathon!

What Pearls of Wisdom would you share with new people?
Stick with it and have fun! It can be a bit discouraging at first as you learn the dance steps but don't give up! What I love most is there's no judgement. Everyone is there to have fun, get a great workout, and dance!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dance and Dogs, Surrey, BC

"I always wanted to dance, but growing up on a farm in rural Quebec – that just wasn't going to happen! I did manage to slide into the Arts and spent the next 35 years Stage Managing for Theatre and later Set Decorating in Film. A few years ago I got a new dog and wanted to do something different with her. I came across "Canine Freestyle", aka Dancing with Dogs. Most of the people involved are women who love to dance but can't get their husbands to join them so they turn to a four-legged partner!

It takes a long time to train the dogs and for the first few years you just move around the floor (hopefully in time to the music!) getting your dog to do tricks on cue. Last fall, I decided it was time to up my game; my dog could do things, now I had to learn how to move. So, I hit the Internet in search of someone who could teach an old klutz how to dance! 

Lucky Karen - I found the Just For You Wellness Studio! I started by taking a few Zumba classes and really enjoyed them. Then, Karen gave me some Private lessons to help me learn some of the steps – I'm still pretty uncoordinated, but it is coming. I took the Video Vixen class with Kayla over the winter – more lack of coordination, but somehow, it didn't matter anymore! Along the way, I started to lose some of my inhibitions, and feel healthier, too! Karen and I are now choreographing a Swing routine for me and my dog. It will take both of us (my dog and I, not Karen!) the better part of a year to learn, but I'm determined to work hard and pull it off with some pizazz!

My dogs and I have a pretty major role in my Club's Theatrical production this November, 'Shadows of Eternity' (at the 1000 seat Bell Performing Arts Centre - shameless plug!) At the costume fittings, I did not like what I saw; too much middle aged 'real estate' around the middle! So, after whining to Karen about it, I joined Early Riser's Bootcamp. I'm in my second week and already I think I can see results. (If I'm deluding myself - please don't tell me!) Next week, I'm going to try some Yoga, the Dance Sampler, and maybe the Nutrition workshop.

I would say it was a pretty worthwhile Google search that I did last year! I'm hoping this is a lifestyle change that I can stick with." – Lin

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pilates - Change your posture!

"I want to share the secret to getting strong abdominals, a healthy spine and better posture - Pilates!

Over 10 years ago, I had back surgery to repair a disc that had ruptured in my L5/S1 area. My neurologist, at the time, recommended walking and Pilates to strengthen my core. As a hard core fitness instructor/trainer, I had been over training my "front body" for years, but had neglected my back (that part of your body you don't see, and therefore forget about!) Not a good idea.

Anyway, between walking, Pilates and Yoga, I rehabilitated my injury and was back on my feet teaching within 12 weeks of surgery! It was nothing short of a miracle to be moving my body- pain free!

If you would like to see a change in your posture, or are just looking to strengthen and stretch in an intelligent way, come try some Pilates." - Karen Sydenham, Just 4 You Wellness Studio

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fitness Family in Surrey, BC

They've been friends for years, decades even. Vicki, Linda and Ginny walk together all the time and have seen their share of gyms and exercise classes. But Vicki decided she couldn't hack treadmills and step machines anymore. She had love handles to get rid of, but wanted to have fun doing it! Could that be possible?

Enter Zumba! First once a week, then twice-she got hooked and told Linda. Linda soon became a Zumba nut and they both worked on Ginny, who hadn't found a class she liked for years and swore that she had two left feet. Now converts all, they carpool to the studio three times a week or more and keep spreading the word!

"You have to think about the dance steps, but they can be low or high energy and you can make them as sexy or as funky as you want - Karen makes sure we have fun with that," Vicki says. Linda and Ginny really like the atmosphere. "The instructors care how we're doing. We all encourage each other. We know who's going where for holidays and who's not feeling great. We're a fitness family. It's a nice change."

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The journey from Zumba participant to Zumba teacher!

"After giving birth to my wonderful son, there were many nights of he and I spending the night on the couch, as he had colic. I remember that I had all the show times memorized past midnight! Then one night I actually flipped through the channels and watched the infomercial on Zumba. I was hooked! I started searching for places that offered Zumba classes, but could only find places such as a gym where you had to buy a membership first in order to participate. There was no way I was going to fall into THAT trap again! See, for me, lifting weights and running in one spot on a treadmill is not my idea of fun. It just doesn't make any sense to me. I am the type of person who prefers to be having fun while at the same time being tricked into getting into shape! That's why Zumba is so perfect for me! I am so passionate about Zumba, and don't even think about just how much of a workout I am getting at the same time!

So eventually my search for Zumba classes led me to Karen at Just 4 You Wellness Studio  I had struck gold! I could take as many Zumba classes as I wanted for a set price each month. I was so excited to give this Zumba thing a try. What I got was much more than I had anticipated: not only did I have the opportunity to take a Zumba class 6 times/week, but I also found an environment that was supportive of my passion and goals and the instructors helped me reach each one of them! It was the atmosphere that kept me coming back!

And that is one of the beautiful parts about Zumba. All you are required to do is have fun! I'm having so much fun with Zumba that I actually decided to become an instructor! I am now part of the team at Just 4 You Wellness and have the opportunity to bring this fun and supportive activity to others!

Coo Coo!!!!!!" - April Scherer

For zumba instructor training call: 604.612.7538.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Top 10 Snacks

1. A handful of 10 to 20 almonds, walnut halves or pistachios.
2. Skim milk latte using 1 cup of milk.
3. Unsweetened yogurt plus fresh fruit.
4. Raw veggies with hummus dip.
5. 1 slice of whole-grain bread topped with a tablespoon of trans fat-free peanut or almond butter.
6. Cottage cheese and fresh fruit.
7. 100-calorie snack pack and a piece of fresh fruit.
8. Unsweetened hot oatmeal with berries.
9. A piece of fresh fruit paired with a glass of low-fat milk.
10. Lean turkey in whole-grain pita or tortilla with mustard and sliced veggies

List by Living Well.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Motivation and positive attitude for Fitness

"When I first joined bootcamp, I didn’t know if I would be able to do it, especially running. However, with Karen’s motivation and positive attitude; as well as the encouragement and support from the whole group, she has pushed me out of my comfort zone – both mentally and physically. I am on my way to becoming stronger and healthier.

The instructors at the studio make exercise fun. There is no judgement and no criticism. I am having a wonderful experience, and love getting compliments from family and friends at how I look. I can’t wait to see where I am at in the next couple of months."
– Janice

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sweating Together - Couples Fitness Training, Surrey, BC

"I started attending Just 4 You Wellness Studio in January 2010. My mom and sister had experienced this amazing dance fitness program called zumba, and wanted me to come and try it. After one class I joined! I wanted to start focusing more on my physical health. Zumba helped me get back into a fitness routine and really strengthened my endurance.

My husband and I decided that we both needed to start losing weight and eating healthy before we started a family. In June of 2011 we approached Karen about personal training. During the summer, we trained three days a week with Karen, and two other times ourselves. We explored different healthy eating plans trying to find one we could manage and maintain. By the end of the summer we felt great, energized and wanted more. Seeing our progress in just three months amazed us. We couldn’t do a push-up to save our life and now we could do 20 in a minute. Karen pushed us and challenged us like we have never been challenged before. Going step-by-step, she guided and helped us realize our full potential. Her encouragement and humour kept us coming back for more!

It is now 6 months later and we are still training with Karen and attending classes at the studio. Despite a few setbacks, we have continued to move forward with our fitness goals and have lost a combined total of 45 pounds! We are not stopping there…… Training and eating healthy together has helped us stay focused on achieving our healthy lifestyle goals and has brought us closer together as a couple. We challenge each other, try to outdo one another and laugh a lot. Now that we have made these changes in our lives and have educated ourselves about how to lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle, we know what kind of family and life we want in the future. Sweating together has changed our lives. Thanks Karen!" – Karissa Moon and Erik Anderson