Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Vicki and Lisa’s Personal Training Experience

"I just finished a great personal training workout with Karen Sydenham at Just for You Wellness. Hot and sweaty, happy with how my health and shape are changing, I figure this is the best time to say why I decided to start personal training.

2015 is a big year for my family. I turn 60, my daughter turns 25, and my son is getting married. I want to feel good; I want to look good. I also want to help my daughter, who has Down syndrome, get more fit. She’s going to be a bridesmaid in her brother’s wedding and she wants to shine even more than she already does.

I've been doing Zumba plus occasional Yoga and Pilates at Just 4 You Wellness since 2011, but I needed more. I got Lisa started with Zumba, but she needed more too.

I needed to lose about 25 pounds and strengthen my upper body. I could barely do a push-up and dreaded core exercises because they were so hard. Lisa had very little endurance and needed to lose about 25 pounds as well. I asked Karen to help make that happen.

Since January 2015, we've worked with Karen twice a week, and every session is different. Sometimes outside, sometimes in, there’s always a good mix of cardio and weights. In addition, we do Zumba two or three times a week for cardio. Karen regularly checks in on our lifestyle, nutrition, and general wellness as well.

So, after about six months, my son’s wedding approaches, and I’m happy that I've reached my weight goal. I'm much stronger overall and even enjoy those dreaded core exercises! Lisa has lost 10 pounds, likes feeling slimmer, and loves wearing her bridesmaid dress.

Karen has such enthusiasm for helping her clients get better, in every way: emotionally, mentally, and physically. We love her! We look forward to meeting new goals with her as we keep up the hard work."
 – Vicki and Lisa

Monday, July 20, 2015

Mission to End a Trend...

This week’s ACTION plan: BE salt and light (BE is an action word)

I am on a mission to end our current health/spiritual crisis. YES! WE ARE IN A HEALTH CRISIS! There are more anxious, stressed, addicted, depressed, obese, diabetic, hypertensive, heart diseased, etc. people now than ever before. Why? Why are these statistics growing in staggering numbers?

Here's the TRUTH: Because WE do not want to do the hard work of looking inward and making the necessary changes from the inside-out. This work is called REAL TRANSFORMATION and it requires courage, commitment and sacrifice.

Most people want a surface fix or the "quick fix". Our culture and society caters to, and thrives on that need (immediate gratification). Our desire for EASY and CONVENIENCE IS KILLING US. I want to stop this trend and it is going to take an army. So let's talk...who do we start with?

Well, we start with ourselves. Here's the truth – most of us don't want to look at ourselves too closely or too deeply. We don't like to be uncomfortable or to feel sad, ashamed, mad, etc. Self-examination might uncover ugly secrets or bad and shameful habits we don't want people to know about. This fear feeds an entire industry that is happy to profit off your desire to evade and avoid! The diet and cosmetic surgery industry is just one example and it is BOOMING. We aren't happy with who we are so we look to others to "fix us". We most certainly don't want to engage in long term hard work for long term gain. Just ask Dr. Bernstein how useless we Personal Trainers are (don't get me started on that ridiculous ad). The truth is... We want it NOW – we want the easy fix that requires no digging at all. This fear of facing our flaws and imperfections is a deep rooted spiritual problem and we can't fix the outside until we are ready to look at the "why we do what we do". We’ve got to go deep for REAL TRANSFORMATION.

In my line of work, I see all types of people, but what is most startling now is how unhappy people are (though they would probably disagree!). People generally come to me with great excitement and grand intentions at the beginning of their commitment, but as soon as they discover that they have to work hard and give things up, they start to sabotage themselves! This incongruent living is rampant. Our actions don't align with intention and then we wonder why we feel so unhappy! I hear SO MANY excuses. I hear all the reasons why it’s too hard or why people can’t eat healthy or exercise regularly. I hear it and see it every day and it drives me NUTS! So rather than complaining or just airing my rant, I am going to challenge everyone who reads, likes or comments on this post to do the following for the next 30 days.

1) Eat small portions of healthy food
There is enough information about what "healthy" is so I am not going to give you a list. What I am going for is eliminating the crap and eat smaller portions. I believe its big portions that are making us sick and unhealthy.

2) Exercise for at least 20 minutes every day for 30 days
This could mean walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, weight lifting, yoga, Pilates, dancing, whatever. As long as you move, sweat and feel it! Dedicate time, plan, and do it for 30 days. It should make you FEEL and LOOK better, I promise.

3) Journal
Your food intake, your moods, your thoughts and actions. Track what YOU DO for the next 30 days. If you really don't like to journal, at least track on a calendar or in a fitness app, your exercise output.

Karen Sydenham
Just for You Wellness Studio