How someone looks... or how they live?
How do you know if your heart is healthy?
Did you know that there are 2 sides to the heart?
The heart not only pumps life into our body with every heartbeat, it is also the place where our sense of well being resides and both sides of the heart need to be cared for. If neglected, we will begin to experience symptoms that tell us we need to pay attention!
Physical symptoms like shortness of breath, lack of energy, fatigue or chest pain tell us we need to see a doctor.
But what about other symptoms like negative thinking, lack of playfulness, anxiety, resentment, feeling overwhelmed? Did you know these are heart-related as well? They point to something going on in the other part of our heart - the part where our well being lives.
A symptom points to an underlying issue that needs attention. When we are experiencing heart trouble, whether it is physical, emotional, spiritual or other, we need to address it. But it takes courage. Do you have the courage to get to the bottom of things and start living from the heart?